Tim Jeffs creates intricately detailed animals portraits.
His art inspires a connection with the animal kingdom. His illustrations have garnered worldwide attention and helped raise awareness and money for organizations and charities such as the World Wildlife Fund, the Cheetah Conservation Fund, the International Rhino Foundation, the Seattle Aquarium, and the Kea Conservation Trust.
“The incredible diversity and complexity of animals has always intrigued me. I try to capture the unique quality of each particular animal.” - Tim Jeffs
It may seem like a far cry from his days as a guitarist and founding member of White Zombie (yep, of heavy metal fame)—but maybe not as far as you’d think. The artist’s internet followers respond to his drawings with the fervor of rock fans.
Rob Zombie and Tim Jeffs on Stage at CBGB’s in New York City in 1986 during White Zombie’s first ever live performance.
His art has inspired a community of colorists from around the world to pick up their pencils and put their own spin on his art. Thousands of people have shared their colorful creations in his Facebook Intricate Ink Facebook group.
“I especially enjoy working in pen and ink. Drawing in black and white allows me to create dramatic moods and details that I couldn’t achieve with other mediums. It’s all about the details for me.” - Tim Jeffs
“The more detail the better. Creating intricate patterns and textures is my favorite part of the creative process.” -Tim Jeffs
When creating my color drawings working in colored pencil is my medium of chose. It let’s me achieve a high level of detail and control.
“The incredible diversity and complexity of animals has always intrigued me. I try to capture the unique quality of each particular animal in my own stylized way.”
“It’s all about the details for me. Animals offer an endless array of shapes, textures and patterns to be inspired by.”
“I enjoy focusing on the endangered species. Raising awareness to animals that need attention is extremely rewarding.”